TH Köln

Master Digital Sciences

Dokumente zur Akkreditierung des Studiengangs

Modul »Seminar Computer Science Research« (SCSR)

Informationen zur Organisation des Moduls

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Westenberger (Fakultät F10)
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Westenberger (Fakultät F10), Prof. Dr. Stefan Bente (Fakultät F10)
Angeboten im
Jedes Semester (falls Lehrkapazität vorhanden) (Dauer 1 Semester)
Campus Gummersbach
Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen
minimal 5, maximal 20
Familiarity with software development, information systems, and information technology
Gesamtaufwand 90h
30h (30h Seminar)
Wissenschaftliches Paper mit Präsentation
Vermittelte Kompetenzen
Develop Visions, Analyze Domains, Model Systems, Implement Concepts, Deploy Products, Optimize Systems, Apply Standardization
Beziehung zu globalen Studiengangskriterien
Interdisziplinarität, Digitalisierung

Beitrag zu Handlungsfeldern

Nachfolgend ist die Zuordnung des Moduls zu den Handlungsfeldern des Studiengangs aufgeführt, und zwar als anteiliger Beitrag (als ECTS und inhaltlich). Dies gibt auch Auskunft über die Verwendbarkeit des Moduls in anderen Studiengängen und über die Beziehung zu anderen Modulen im selben Studiengang.

Handlungsfeld ECTS (anteilig) Modulbeitrag zum Handlungsfeld
Architecting and Coding Software 1

The seminars covers recent trends and topics in the area of software architectures, software technology, tools, and programming paradigms.

Empowering Business 1

The seminars covers recent trends and topics in the area of digitalization in order to empower business.

Managing and Running IT 1

The seminars covers recent trends and topics, innovations, products, and tools in the field of Managing and Running IT.

Learning Outcome

After completing this module, the following statement should be true for the particapating students.

  • As an industry expert or scientist on Master level, I am able to …
    • research current trends and innovations in my field of expertise, and
    • present my findings to my peers in a conference-like setting,
  • by
    • researching scientific and industry sources for a given topic,
    • summing up my findings in a conclusive and formally sound paper,
    • compiling a brief but comprehensive presentation for my peers,
  • so that
    • I can act professionally in a scientific community, or a community of practice.

Inhaltliche Beschreibung des Moduls

In this seminar students will work on the most recent trends and topics related to current IT, with topics ranging from software development and architecture, over IT alignment to business capabilities and processes, to managing and running IT landscapes.

The topics will be defined for each seminar specifically, depending on current trends and recent developments in the respective fields.

Lehr- und Lernformen

  • Kickoff meeting to assign topics
  • Supervision meetings with students during the research phase
  • Meetings to present and discuss papers

Zur Verfügung gestelltes Lehrmaterial

  • List of selected literature and web resources (depending on the topics at hand)

Weiterführende Literatur

  • Literature will depend on the specific seminar topics