TH Köln

Master Digital Sciences

Dokumente zur Akkreditierung des Studiengangs

Modul »Advanced Business Intelligence and Analytics« (ABIA)

Informationen zur Organisation des Moduls

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Westenberger (Fakultät F10)
Angeboten im
Wintersemester (Dauer 1 Semester)
Campus Gummersbach
Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen
minimal 5, maximal 25
database, programming, data warehouse and data mining knowledge on Bachelor's level
Gesamtaufwand 180h
90h (18h Vorlesung / 18h Seminar / 36h Übung / 18h Praktikum)
90h (davon 90h eigenständige Projektarbeit)
Semesterbegleitendes Projekt mit Portfolio-Erstellung und anschließendem Fachgespräch
Vermittelte Kompetenzen
Analyze Domains, Model Systems
Beziehung zu globalen Studiengangskriterien
Digitalisierung, Transfer

Beitrag zu Handlungsfeldern

Nachfolgend ist die Zuordnung des Moduls zu den Handlungsfeldern des Studiengangs aufgeführt, und zwar als anteiliger Beitrag (als ECTS und inhaltlich). Dies gibt auch Auskunft über die Verwendbarkeit des Moduls in anderen Studiengängen und über die Beziehung zu anderen Modulen im selben Studiengang.

Handlungsfeld ECTS (anteilig) Modulbeitrag zum Handlungsfeld
Generating and Accessing Knowledge 4

Ability to design an enterprise infrastructure for Business Intelligence / Business Analytics; i.e. analytical data structures, algorithms and processes to deliver analytical services - how data can be transformed to value-adding insights to the current business by classical means and how predictive means can improve upcomimg business decisions.

Empowering Business 2

Analyzing how data can foster value-adding insights to the current business by classical means and how predictive means can improve upcomimg business decisions.

Learning Outcome

  • Enabling students to design and implement a Business Intelligence and Business Analytics infrastructure so as to support management decision
  • by structuring customers‘ requirements, analyzing data source quality and identifying appropriate data structures and algorithms
  • they will become able to design an appropriate infrastructure. They plan the staging of raw data to analytical data and assess the applicability of classical and modern techniques delivered by common BI/BA platforms.
  • Based on these skills they will be able to build up an appropriate decision support infrastructure to improve decision processes and to maximize enterprise profits.

Inhaltliche Beschreibung des Moduls

  1. Classification of decision support
  2. Methodology Reference models for BI/BA infrastructure development
  3. Data Preparation for classical and advanced analytics
  4. Data structures for management support (Data vault, Multi Dimensional, No-SQL)
  5. Applicability of advanced algorithms

Lehr- und Lernformen

  • Flipped classroom
  • Exercises + team work
  • hands-on-workshop on ETL tools

Zur Verfügung gestelltes Lehrmaterial

  • Software tools for
  • … multidimensional modeling
  • … data transformation
  • … report generation
  • … data Mining

Weiterführende Literatur

  • Giles, J.: Elephant in the Fridge. Guided steps to data vault success through building business-centered models. Technics Publications, 2019
  • Hultgren, H.: Modeling the Agile Data Warehouse with Data Vault. Brighton Hamilton, 2012.
  • Kimball R.: The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit. John Wiley & Sons. 2008
  • Linstedt, D.; Olschimke, M.: Building a scalable data warehouse with data vault 2.0. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.
  • further sources to follow