TH Köln

Master Digital Sciences

Documents for Study Program Accreditation

Module »Current Approaches to Marketing and Innovation« (AMI)

Organizational Details

Responsible for the module
Prof. Dr. Monika Engelen (Faculty F10)
Offered in
Summer Semester (Duration 1 Semester)
Campus Gummersbach
Number of participants
minimum 5, maximum 15
Basic knowledge of marketing as a business function
Total effort 180h
Total contact time
60h (30h lecture / 30h seminar)
Time for self-learning
Project (during semester) in conjunction with a presentation
Competences taught by the module
Develop Visions, Analyze Domains
General criteria covered by the module
Interdisciplinarity, Digitization

Mapping to Focus Areas

Below, you find the module's mapping to the study program's focus areas. This is done as a contribution to all relevant focus areas (in ECTS, and content-wise). This is also relevant for setting the module in relation to other modules, and tells to what extent the module might be part of other study programs.

Focus Area ECTS (prop.) Module Contribution to Focus Area
Empowering Business 4

Deutsch: In diesem Kurs lernen die Studierenden, moderne Innovations- und Marketingansätze auf geschäftliche Kontexte anzuwenden. Dadurch tragen sie z.B. zum Management der Kund*innenbeziehung, zur Digitalisierung von Marketingprozessen, zur Entwicklung und Einführung neuer Produkte, zum Markteintritt in neue (regionale oder digitale) Märkte bei.

English: In this course students learn to apply modern innovation and marketing approaches to business contexts. Thereby they contribute to e.g. the management of the customer relationship, digitalization of marketing processes, the development and introduction of new product, market entry to new (regional or digital) markets.

Designing Innovations and Products 2

Deutsch: Durch das Erlernen und Anwenden sowohl der Grundlagen des Innovationsmanagements als auch moderner Ansätze dazu erwerben die Studierenden Wissen und Erfahrung in der Gestaltung marktgerechter innovativer Produkte und Dienstleistungen.

English: By learning and applying both the fundamentals of innovation management as well as modern approaches to it, students acquired knowledge and experience in designing market-driven innovative products and services.)

Learning Outcome

After attending the course, students will be able to …

  • [WHAT] understand and reflectively apply basic and current topics of innovation management (such as open innovation, crowdsourcing) and marketing (such as digital marketing, marketing automation),
  • [HOW] by knowing and applying the basics of innovation management, online marketing and international marketing and being able to independently familiarize themselves with current topics, work through them and critically classify, present and discuss them,
  • [WHY] to apply modern innovation and marketing approaches in a corporate context and to continuously familiarize themselves with new topics.

Module Content

  • Innovation
    • Fundamentals, meaning and definition Innovation
    • Innovation Management
    • Current topics - Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing etc.
  • International Marketing
    • Basics
    • Strategy of internationalization
    • Adaptation of marketing instruments to national conditions
    • Online Marketing
  • Online/digital marketing
    • Website design
    • SEO
    • SEA
    • Local Search
    • social media marketing
    • Mobile Marketing
  • Current marketing topics - e.g. marketing automation, micromoments, content marketing, viral marketing, predictive marketing

Forms of Teaching and Learning

  • As an introduction: self-learning on marketing basics
  • Seminar-style teaching
  • Presentations and case studies
  • Type of examination: presentation (40%) and a detailed case study in a team (60%)

Learning Material Provided by Lecturer


  • Vahs, D. und Brem, A. (2015): Innovationsmanagement, 5. Auflage, Schäffer-Pöschel Seeger, C. (2017):
  • Harvard Business Manager Edition 1/2017: Innovation
  • Kotabe, M. (2016): Global Marketing Management, 6. Auflage, Wiley
  • Homburg, C. (2020): Marketingmanagement, 6. Auflage, Springer-Gabler
  • Kreutzer, R. (2014): Praxisorientiertes Online-Marketing: Konzepte - Instrumente – Checklisten,
    1. Auflage, Springer-Gabler
  • Lammenett, E. (2017): Praxiswissen Online-Marketing, 6. Auflage, Springer-Gabler
  • Literature on current topics (selection):
    • Tim Brown: Design Thinking. In: Harvard Business Review. Juni 2008, S. 84–92, (online).
    • Kreutzer, R. (2018): Social-Media-Marketing kompakt: Ausgestalten, Plattformen finden, messen, organisatorisch verankern, Springer-Gabler
    • Schubert, N. (2017): Marketing-Automation für Bestandskunden: Up-Selling, Cross-Selling, Empfehlungsmarketing: Mehr Umsatz mit der Wasserlochstrategie®, Freiburg: Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG