TH Köln

Master Digital Sciences

Documents for Study Program Accreditation

Module »Guided Project focused on Designing Innovation and Products« (GP-DIP)

Organizational Details

Responsible for the module
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bente (Faculty F10)
All professors in the study program
Both in German and in English
Offered in
Each Semester (Duration 1 Semester)
At all locations
Number of participants
minimum 2, maximum 20
Total effort 360h
Total contact time
48h (48h project supervision)
Time for self-learning
312h (containing 312h self-organized project work)
Project (during semester) in conjunction with a presentation
Competences taught by the module
Develop Visions, Analyze Domains, Model Systems, Implement Concepts, Deploy Products
General criteria covered by the module
Interdisciplinarity, Digitization, Transfer

Mapping to Focus Areas

Below, you find the module's mapping to the study program's focus areas. This is done as a contribution to all relevant focus areas (in ECTS, and content-wise). This is also relevant for setting the module in relation to other modules, and tells to what extent the module might be part of other study programs.

Focus Area ECTS (prop.) Module Contribution to Focus Area
Generating and Accessing Knowledge 2

A Guided Project of this type deals with complex data on some level.

Architecting and Coding Software 2

This type of Guided Project focuses on Architecting and Coding Software. The exact kind of of contribution will be defined in the individual project description.

Empowering Business 2

Participants in a Guided Project of this type needs to understand the underlying business domain(s).

Designing Innovations and Products 4

This type of Guided Project focuses on Designing Innovation and Products. The exact kind of contribution will be defined in the individual project description.

Managing and Running IT 2

In a Guided Project of this type, the aspect of managing and running the IT artefacts developed in it will be considered on some level.

Learning Outcome

Students will learn to work on a complex project in a team setting.

By implementing the project, the students will learn …

  • problem-solving skills,
  • self-management skills,
  • teamwork skills, and
  • the ability for independent scientific work.
  • methods and knowledge about the subject matter, by focus on practical experience.

This way, the students will be able to perform, plan, and lead similar projects in a professional context.

Module Content

The project consists of supervised work on a complex task in research and development (possibly in cooperation with external partners), in a team. The supervisor defines the objectives of the project, and guides the team during the project execution. This includes a regular progress monitoring, in the form of intermediate meetings between supervisor and team in intervals of not more than three weeks.

In addition, the supervisor agrees at least two project milestones with the team. The milestone results will contribute in an adequate manner to the final grade. The supervisor further decides, in consent with the student team, about communication channels and the mode of cooperation within the team, and reflects this in regular intervals together with the team.

Due to the nature of this project type, projects are open to all students of the study program, with the only restriction being the maximum number of participants, and required skills. The supervisor sets the goals of the project. The students independently research the relevant literature, decide on technology, and work on a solution.

Forms of Teaching and Learning

The students work on documentation of the project results, research state of the art technology, use problem-solving methods etc. Teamwork is an essential part of the learning experience, therefore the minimum number of participants is 2 students.

The overall grade is based on the project results, project report, presentation, and possibly other parts (at the discretion of the individual lecturer).

Learning Material Provided by Lecturer

Depending on the project.


Depending on the project.